Almost Real – R.U.R

In this electrifying reimagining of Karel Čapek’s 1920 play that coined the word robot, Helena Glory infiltrates Rossum’s Universal Robots with a daring agenda. As she unravels the factory’s dark secrets, enhanced robots worldwide begin

The Whisper of Ancient Sand

In this gripping archaeological thriller – a prequel to the Dr. Sarah Kensington series – archaeology student Sarah Kensington joins Professor Elias Brown and his tech-savvy son Tom on what should be a routine dig

Sherlock Holmes i nytt ljus

Vad hände med de fall som Sherlock Holmes misslyckades med? De mysterier som förblev olösta, de gåtor som aldrig fick sin förklaring?  Nu avslöjas sanningen bakom dessa hemliga berättelser, direkt från Dr Watsons penna. I

The Angels’ Canvas

Elizabeth Thompson’s life as a high-powered Boston lawyer is picture-perfect, but her creative soul is crying out for a blank canvas. Enter Michael and Gabriel, two mismatched guardian angels determined to help Liz find her

Secretarial Seduction

In the halls of Barrington & Sons, desire and ambition collide. Virginia, a devoted secretary, finds herself drawn to her enigmatic boss, their attraction crossing professional boundaries. Enter Laura, a mysterious new hire whose presence

Dejting dilemmat

“Åh, jag är så spänd”, erkänner Kicki. “Jag bara längtar efter att få träffa honom. Träffa Robert. Han kanske blir min nästa man?” Det sista viskar hon bara fram, vågar nästan inte sätta ord på

Mord i Pingst (kommande)

En serie oväntade och tragiska händelser skakar Saronförsamlingen i dess grundvalar. Det som börjar som en till synes oförklarlig olycka utvecklas snabbt till något betydligt mörkare och mer oroväckande. Plötsligt står hela den religiösa gemenskapen

Undressed to Kill

In the shadowy corners of post-war Europe, Nicholas Gale thrives in the murky interplay of love and deceit. With the grit of London’s streets and the glamor of high society as his playground, Gale navigates

The Rhythm of Death, Luigi Ferro

At the heart of San Marino’s most vibrant music festival, the unthinkable happens: DJ Ecciti, the star of the show, collapses on stage, turning a night of celebration into one of chaos and mystery. Luigi

They Never Say When

In a world where shadows loom larger than life, Slim Callaghan, private detective, finds himself ensnared in a web more tangled than any he’s encountered before. ”They Never Say When” thrusts Callaghan into the murky